Acquia Cohesion renames to Site Studio from version 6.2. Tell me more.

    Package export using drush

    To export Site Studio packages and dependencies to your sync directory, use the following Drush command:

    $ drush sync:export

    This command has the following options:

    • --filename-prefix[=FILENAME-PREFIX] The export filename prefix that will output a file like: [prefix]-package.yml_ 

    The resulting .yml_ package file will be exported by default to the sync folder configured via the following value in your settings.php file:

    $settings['site_studio_sync'] = '../config/sync/cohesion';


    When exporting configuration through sync:export, json can be configured to be output as non serialised values. This increases the readability of packages when doing using version control as json values will be displayed on multiple lines.

    To enable this functionality add $settings['site_studio_package_multiline'] = TRUE to your settings.php.

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